We’re thinking of you and wishing and hoping all of you are safe and well…
Simply put give me a call, I’ll walk and shop with you over the phone, ring you out and bring it to your car…

Hours and operations will be Monday thru Saturday.
12:00 – 5pm.
Please be patient and I will do my best to provide the best service I can.
Six Barrels available;
North Coast Scrimshaw -$114.99
Pavlovs Brewing Stinkeye IPA -$169.99
Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat - $92.99
Urban Artifact SPYGLASS - $117.99
Brewdog Hazy Jane New England Style IPA - $122.99
Jackie O’s Mystic Mama IPA - $134.99
Bells Oberon - $129.99
Nothing new, just trying to keep inventory up for all…all the regulars are still here and looking for a good home…

No new beers as of yet, well there is one…Stone Enjoy By 4.20.20
We’ve still got a full selection available here for you. Just give me a call and I’ll walk down the rack with you and we’ll find something tasty.
Final Thought
Our business is a social one, everyone here enjoys seeing each other and most importantly all of you. When you’re not here it’s just not the same. We can’t check up on you and well, you can’t check up on us. Kind of like a large family, a bit dysfunctional at times but nonetheless a family. I’m not worried about the business; I’m worried about the well being of all, both those who work here and all of you, our friends, that we enjoy seeing every week. We miss you, but most importantly we hope all are well, stay well, be well and remember, this too shall pass…
Cheers from all of us here at The Wine Merchant